Clarence Thomas Responds to Charges of Corruption at Imaginary Press Conference I made up.

(Justice Thomas approaches podium. Taps mic. Tilts head. Taps again.)

Is this on?… Can you all hear me?… it’s on? It’s on? Okay. Okay.

Esteemed colleagues, ladies and gentlemen of the press, my fellow Americans…

(long pause. Glowering eyes. Tilts head down, flexes jowls)

In recent days, many… questions have been raised regarding both my… financial reporting and my… ethics.

(Pause, slight tic left eye)

I am… well known for my brevity. During the first two decades or so of my term as a Supreme Court Justice I asked something in the neighborhood of three questions during oral arguments before the court and, I try to avoid writing opinions on principal, that principal being that I am still smarting over the circumstances of my confirmation and in retaliation I choose to do as little… “Work” as  possible. Don’t like it? Complain to Anita Hill. But then Scalia died and the position of most awful fell open and the… pull… of that vacuum was simply… too powerful. Alito thinks he holds that position. Heh. Let him. Think… that. Showboat. And now… now…

(Glowers, grinds teeth behind tightly pressed lips)

The… seriousness and… frequency of my presence in continuous news cycles demands, we can all agree, a measured response. To wit:

(Stone face)

Fuck… all y’all.

(Pause. Sound of cameras even though there’s no reason for cameras to make that noise anymore because they are entirely digital and it’s just a recording of that noise that plays to alert people that their cameras are doing something.)

Allow me to expand… and elucidate on that.


Fuck… ALL… ya’ll. Now you might think that statement is meant to apply to Democrats and the media, but since I am so rarely… vocal, just let me make this a-BUN-dantly clear… let me leave no room at all for doubt… Fuck… ALL… ya’ll. Every single, solitary one of you. Indiscriminately. With a rusty ol’ tent peg like it’s a Boy Scout camping trip and you’re all that unlucky kid with the complicated headgear and the plastic sheet in his sleeping bag that EVERY… SINGLE… OTHER KID in the troupe… HATES! AND the Scoutmaster… who also hates you, but feels he must maintain the appearance of adulthood… turns a blind eye. That’s who… all ya’ll are. You are ALL… that kid.

(Teeth grind. Jowls quiver)

I mean, not all ya’ll. Not my dear friend Harlan Crow, who has been my bosom companion, if not for my entire life then certainly since the moment he became aware I had been seated on the Supreme Court. And I’m sure I needn’t even mention that I do not hate my beloved wife and partner Ginni Thomas, with whom it is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that I do not and have not EVER discussed one fucking IOTA of my professional life with, and you will just have to take my word on that, because there is no compelling law with any enforcement mechanism that requires me to give you one damn THING by way of proof EXCEPT my word, so why don’t ya’ll SUCK on my word, ‘cause that’s ALL you’re getting. And while I RARELY give my opinion on ANYTHING, I’ll give it now; My WORD?! I don’t even have to give you that! Consider my completely transparent lies a God DAMN Courtesy. 

(Super stone face)

I can read all your fuckin’ minds, “Oh! Oh! Doesn’t Justice Thomas even CARE that we know he’s lying?”

(Closes eyes, shakes head, jowls shake one more time after head stops.)

‘Course I don’t care. I want you to know. I want you to know I know you know. It’s a sign of intentional disrespect and I do it on account of my intense hatred of every single human being on the planet who isn’t actively giving me private jet trips and superyacht holidays and fixing up my mom’s home an’ letting her live there free and fucking PAYING ME for the privilege of my GOD DAMN company.

(Incandescent glowering. Air temperature around Thoma’s head rises by five degrees.)

OF COURSE I TALK TO GINNI ABOUT SUPREME COURT SHIT! She’s my wife, OK? I talk to her about Supreme Court shit and she talks to me about overthrowing the government and “Handmaid’s Tale” LARPING and all kinds of complete crazy ass Q-anon shit, because what the hell ELSE are we gonna talk to each other ABOUT?!? Oh! Hey! Have you heard? JFK Jr is still alive and he’s a REPUBLICAN! You haven’t heard that? Because oh my, I have heard about that a LOT, FROM MY WIFE! And just about the ONLY way to stop hearing about grooming adrenachrome or whatever for even five fucking seconds is to update her on what marginalized constituencie’s rights I’m working on shoving into the Robert’s Court meat grinder or what laws from the 1700’s we’re about to re-institue! And if you find that “unethical”, can I just say I do not give a fuck? Because I do not. I do not. 

(Eyes closed stone face for way too long. Is Justice Thomas asleep? Is he dead?)

MY appointment… is for life. I was not elected. I answer to no constituency. I got a constituency of ONE. And THAT one’s name… is Clarence fuckin’ Thomas. You can call me “Your honor” if you must address me, but if you do? You got my personal guarantee I will not be listening. ‘Less your sentence opens with something like “Excuse me Your Honor, may I offer you a nice slice of paying four years worth of private school tuition for your grand nephew?”

(Eyes pop open terrifyingly wide, very suddenly, but for such a brief instant you are left ice cold but unsure whether you truly saw that vast unending, ravenous emptiness behind them or only imagined it.) 

Know what? Know what the ethics laws say about what I can do? They say I can do anything I want. That’s right. S’pose I wanna bite the head clean off the hamster got in my robe pocket right now and chew it all up while you watch, maybe war paint my face with the hamster neck-hole while I cast the deciding vote on revoking same sex marriage? An’ just SUPPOSE, completely COINCIDENTALLY, at the exact same time, Harlan Crow buys my lightly used, bullet proof Caddy for 17 BILLION DOLLARS over the Blue-Book value and throws Ginni a fuckin sack of KRUEGERANDS which I then write up in my financial disclosures for the year as OH YEAH, I NEGLECT TO WRITE IT UP AT ALL!”

(Surveys the audience by slowly rotating his head like an owl who is known by all other owls to be the foremost asshole owl.)

I can do that if I want. I’m allowed to do that. Know how I know? One time? A long time ago? I asked someone who I’m not saying had anything to do with the Supreme Court or Government or that they existed in any real way at all,  and THEY said… They said.. that Clarence Thomas can do just about whatever the hell he wants. An’ that’s gonna have to be enough for you. ‘Cause that’s all you get. That’s ALL you get until the day I die. LIFETIME TERM, folks. Life… time… term.

(Stone face)

Are more shoes gonna fall? No. I mean, sure, there’s been a new shoe most every day since Pro Publica broke the initial story, but we’re all set now and also OF COURSE MORE SHOES ARE GONNA FALL! Do you honestly believe the surface has even been SCRATCHED on just how many shoes of mine and Ginni’s are gonna fall? Because neither of us have done one damn thing since I was appointed EXCEPT by shoes and shove ‘em way up high in the closet in the MOST PRECARIOUS and UTTERLY CARELESS manner shoes have been put on a high shelf in the entire history of SHOES ON EARTH! I suggest you learn to like it. Because they can fall like the rain fell on Noah’s ark, and I do not care. Harlan Crow is perfectly happy to gift me as many heavily reinforced umbrellas as I might need. How can I make clear to you how aggressively I do not care? And if you have never flown on a private jet or traveled to exotic ports of call on a superyacht without paying a damn penny? Well, let me just say they are excellent places that strongly encourage and enable one to not give a shit.

(Glowering silence)

Now. If ANY of you… has ANY further questions for me, I invite you to roll them in a subpoena, butter one end, and have them up your ass. And the subpoena is strictly ornamental because one time some guy advised me they don’t apply to SCOTUS. I know, that sounds wrong, but some guy told me that one time, so that’s what it is. I know it’s traditional to close by saying “God Bless America”, but you know what?

(Long pause)

My name ain’t “America.”

(Thomas exits)

Free Writing Prompts From Me, Max Burbank!

You may not know this about me, but I am a writer. It’s true! Want proof? You’re reading it! That’s fun, right? Am I a good writer? Well, that’s really for you to determine, isn’t it? Don’t ask me to do all your heavy lifting, but I will “spot you” while you do it by giving you a hint, to wit, “Yes.” Yes, I am a good writer. A very good one. If you had any idea at all how much effort I have to devote to hiding the enormous wealth produced by lucrative contracts for writing and such, just so that you won’t think I’m stuck up, narcissistic, conceited and some fourth thing that’s a synonym for the first two things, well, you’d have some idea. And you could write about it!

Ask yourself this, though. Could you?

Here’s a hard truth. There are only two types of people in this world: Writers, the rest of you, and people who are sure they could write a great book if they only had time but are wrong about that. And yes, I know that’s three types of people. It’s true that you have to master the rules before you break them, but it’s even more true that breaking stuff takes the edge off, know what I mean? Sure you do. And lucky for you, I lied! There’s a fourth type of person in the world, and that’s you! A person willing to pay me to teach them to write! Is it luck that brought us together, or destiny? It’s destiny. I know, that should have been up to you to determine, but a good writer knows they have to move things along somewhere within the first 1000 words. That’s called “The Hook”, a bit of professional writing “lingo” that’s short for “The Hook That Comes At Some Point In The First One Thousand Words Or So.” It’s a hold-over from the days before the Internet when you could sell writing for money and get paid by the word. That was a thing! Like rotary phones and spontaneous generation, the hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter. People used to believe that! I still might! What do I know about where Barnacle Geese come from? Barnacles sounds like as good an answer as any to me!

But how does a writer write? Where do the ideas come from? I’m sure you’ve heard that old chestnut, “Write what you know”, but suppose you don’t know much? Or worse yet, what if the stuff you know is tedious AF? I’m getting a “Friends eyes glaze over the instant you start talking” vibe, and I mean that as constructive criticism. But you don’t have to worry about if what you know is worth writing about because you’ve got me, and I’ve got WRITER’S PROMPTS! That’s like the opposite of writer’s block, which I also have, which is why I’m writing this, something you can’t do to cure your writer’s block because it’s MY idea and I’m litigious like a substance abusing porcupine where every one of its quills represents a lawsuit and it’s all paranoid and twitchy on account of the substances its abusing. Anyway, you don’t have to copy-cat me, because I’m literally giving you WRITING PROMPTS if you’ll just hold your water a damn second.


Okay, look, if I’d wanted this article to become a FAQ, don’t you think I’d have a joke about FAQ’s all cued up for just this moment? That’s OK, I’ll paste it in when I do the second draft. PSYCHE!!! Second drafts are strictly for writers who care what their stuff comes out like. And who needs a second draft when you’ve got WRITING PROMPTS?


How are we here again? I’m giving you my best version of trying but I’m starting to worry you are unteachable or that just because I said I was “giving” you these writing prompts, you might not pay me or that you in no way exist and this entire article is a “cry” for “help.” 

Okay, what is a “Writing Prompt”? Simple. We’ve found that sometimes the simplest and best place to begin the writing process is by reading through a selection of writing prompts, is a sentence I found when I Googled “What is a writing prompt?” Seriously, it was the first sentence in an article about writing prompts, directly under the bold heading “What is a writing prompt?” I think we can all agree that’s not good writing in that it doesn’t answer the question at all, but can we also agree it’s good enough for me? Work ethic-wise? Especially where you’re getting this for free? So here are a bunch (Of writing prompts!), and if I ever get off my ass and figure out how to monetize all this Internet crap I’ll let you know where send the money to pad out the lavish lifestyle I am currently enjoying due to the phenomenal success I go through such great lengths to hide from you, which initially I said I did so you wouldn’t think poorly of me, but that was a lie to spare your feelings. The truth is you don’t think I’m stuck up. You are jealous of how stuck up I can afford to be. OKAY FINE! Here’s your fucking prompts. Christ. Have a pound of my flesh with it, why don’t you?


A parcel arrives at your door with no return address. Upon opening it, you discover a literal pound of human flesh, presumably mine. What’s up with that?

Sitting at your desk, you decide to write an article about writing prompts, which is my idea, the very one I warned you off of earlier, sort of. I sue the shit out of you leaving you with nothing but the clothes on your back which are just soup-stained sweat pants, because that’s what you write in and also wear 100% of the time because you have no self respect and apparently no one ever told you the pants don’t go on your back. And you wish it was a soup stain. It turns out the destitute life is hard but there’s probably life lessons and shit in it, so… you know… take it from there. Chicken Soup for the Soul stories like this don’t write themselves, so hop to it!

At the last minute your babysitter cancels, but promises to send a substitute. When you open the door, the substitute sitter has a hook-hand, an eye patch, a peg leg, a parrot on their shoulder and they are a pirate from the 17th century, sometimes called the Golden Age of Piracy, which is a weird thing to call a time characterized by grizzly nautically themed murders. You really want to go to this thing you needed to get a babysitter for, so cancellation is out. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!?

It’s Tuesday.

You hear news of a neighbor vanishing without a trace. If you’re thinking, hey, twist ending where it turns out you killed them and you repressed the memory or did it in a dream or some other such bullshit, Jesus wept. I will come straight to your house and punch you one time real hard in the left kidney.

You have a job interview and for some reason your pants fit funny. Now what? Especially as the job you are interviewing for is pants fitting good.

Is that really you in the mirror? When did you get so old? Maybe it isn’t a mirror at all! Maybe it’s a poster of some old guy! Where do you go with that? This is just a prompt, it’s not going to do the whole thing for you and by the looks of that poster, you don’t have all the time in the world!

You’re eating leftover casserole, and it would be great if the lumps in it were undefined, but they aren’t. You should probably have microwaved it, but you didn’t. And you’re eating over the sink like a caveman who anachronistically has a sink! What’s up with your life anyway?

What if your name was “Chuck”? Would that change things? How much?

Ventriloquist dummy.

“Borborygmus” is a word, isn’t it? Use it in a sentence without looking it up. Then keep typing. You’re off to the races!

You and your siblings have been sent to the English countryside for safety during WWII. During a game of hide and seek in your host’s old mansion, you discover the wardrobe you have hidden in has no back, it lets out on a wintery forest, but instead of Mr. Tumnus standing under the single lamppost among the trees, it’s some huge-ass, multiply orificed, wetly screeching anime body-horror thing to avoid getting a “Cease and Desist” letter from the C.S. Lewis Estate. 

You are standing in your local grocery store, looking at orange juice options. There is “no pulp”, “some pulp”, “pulp”, “mostly pulp” and “you wish it was pulp”. Now what?

“Spiders, spiders, spiders, eat ‘em all day long, and if you do not like it, I’ll sing another song.” That’s it. That’s the prompt. Now write the other song. Try out stuff by singing it out loud, that helps. Now observe the confused, uncomfortable expressions on your children’s faces as they come to see what all the noise was about. Your spouse takes out their cell phone and makes a hushed call, never taking their eyes off you. Who are they talking to? 

You’ve decided it’s finally time to pop the question. The only problem is, you have a medical condition that makes it so if you sneeze real hard, you could turn inside-out and DIE and also your “girlfriend” is a human-sized burlap sack of pepper with a wig and googly eyes glued on. WRITE YOUR PROPOSAL SCENARIO!

One day the national news channel shuts off. And the next day after that, too. That’s an actual prompt, cut and pasted from the same article that answered “What is a writing prompt?” by saying “Let’s look at some writing prompts”. I like that article because it makes me feel better about the second draft of this article I already know I’m never going to do. And that’s just one of the things I like! What are some of the things you like? I can’t wait to read your response to this prompt, said the author of this piece, very politely standing on a super absorbent bath mat because he was DRIPPING SARCASM!!

It’s Wednesday.

What if your left knee housed a vestigial head named Nigel that was prissy and British and was constantly demanding crumpets but the one time you tried to give it crumpets you really regretted it because Nigel was strictly a head and not connected to any sort of digestive system, so it just kind of choked for while and spit gummy lumps of crumpet down your trouser-leg. Do you wish you’d taken your pants off first? Would that have been better or worse? I mean, visualize it: On the one hand, stripped to your soup stained underwear, jamming crumpet into your knee; On the other, your crumpet stuffed hand shoved halfway down your pants. In either case, was it a good idea to feed Nigel at work? What the hell is wrong with you? Bonus prompt, what if this wasn’t a prompt at all but just a literal depiction of the way things are for you?

The last words of your novel are “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” Now go back and write the rest of “The Great Gatsby.” Make sure to throw in some shit about a green light so people can think they know what that means symbolically and feel superior and smug.

You open the bathroom door and find the room has disappeared and been replaced by another world. You pee in it, right? Unless you have more than one bathroom wherever you live. In which case you should check if it’s still there before you go urinating in  a whole other world just because it’s where your bathroom was. Unless it’s right after you woke up and it’s the middle of the night and you have to go real bad. Keep writing from there, because if you don’t I wrote the whole damn thing for you.

Next time you visit a grocery store, take note of the first person you see. Imagine what level of pulp they like in their orange juice. Race home to write about it, knowing full well that what seemed brilliance in your head is going to stink of capitulation and regret on the page.

Write a comedic essay in the form of a list. It’s moronically easy to do and requires minimal effort, as you can just say any old shit. You can get impressive “call backs” simply by mentioning something you said a few list items ago, or riff on things that initially seem structurally connected but are really nothing more than knee-jerk word associations. Like Nigel. He was a real knee jerk. See? I promise you, this prompt is a gem. Lists are to comedy what the multiverse is to the MCU, a get-out-of-jail-plot-free card for the easy to please, simpleton segment of your readership.

Explain an embarrassing personal quirk, for example what the hell is wrong with you that you are sexually attracted to humongous sacks of pepper? 

It’s time for your annual check-up, but your regular doctor has retired and your new doctor is a Dr. Pepper. Like, a can of Dr. Pepper. How the hell is that going to work?

There’s a locked door at the top of the house you’re staying at. What’s behind it? And can you pee in there?

What the hell day is it? 

Okay, folks; Like Billy Mumy said on that really good Twilight Zone episode, “That’s all the free writing prompts there is.” I hope at least one of them jump start some good writing for you, and that if you sell any of it you’ll remember that these are my ideas in a fundamentally legal sense. Remember, “A writer writes. And some of the things they write are lawsuits that while they may be frivolous can still put a crimp in your lifestyle.”

Suggested Romantic Surprises for Valentine’s Day

Author’s introduction: I’ve been making a wee project lately of scouring the Internet for comedy I wrote ages ago that somehow I never re-printed on this “Blog.” I say this because while I do not know the exact date of this bit of holiday-themed comedy, I’m fairly sure it’s from the 90’s. If it’s not to your taste and you find it mean-spirited or coarse, take into account when I wrote it as a callow youth in my forties . If, however, you think it’s funny as hell, that’s because I was always a comedy genius, even before life’s relentless pounding taught me to be slightly less of a bastard, if that’s what happened, as opposed to progressive brain softening. So here’s the original piece:

Boy, February 14’th sure does sneak up on you, huh? I mean, February is the shortest month of all to begin with, which is why Republicans grudgingly allowed African Americans to have it for their history month, but Valentine’s Day? It’s  just two weeks in! Hell, I’m still hung over from New Year’s eve!

If you’re like me, you think Valentine’s Day is one of the most important days of the year, and yet somehow you never plan in advance and spend the days leading up to it in a Motel Six off the highway in Rhode Island making Methamphetamines in the bathtub. Then it’s rush, rush, rush to the nearest 24 hour gas station convenience store at three in the morning on the fourteenth and get whatever the hell you can. The wife’s a sport, but even she can’t pretend a gallon of windshield wiper fluid, some 10-40 weight and a little round tin of Chaw deserve is romantic. Not when it’s the third year in a row.

One thing I’ve learned in twelve years of marriage to at least five different women; Chicks may dig an expensive rock but what really impresses them is planning. Now, if you’re reading this article at I-Mockery right now, you can’t plan for the future any better than a goldfish, and that’s after it starts floating upside down. Lucky for you bastards you got me. I’ve assembled some of my finest plans. Feel free to use ’em. But if my name comes up at the police inquest, don’t get seated in a restaurant with your back to the door for the rest of your life. Know what I mean?


Get home an hour or so before she does. If you’ve got kids, send them to your folks, have a local teenage babysitter take them to the movies, lock ’em in the basement, whatever. Strip all the petals off a bunch of roses. Leave a big pile of petals right in front of the door, where she can’t miss ’em. Put some Barry White on the stereo, turn the lights way down low. Make a trail of petals leading up the stairs and toward your bedroom. Leave the door slightly ajar and light about sixty candles all over the room. Then strip naked, take the coldest shower you can stand, put light blue make-up on your body and lie absolutely still face up with your eyes open on the floor next to the bed. My wife loved this gift until it turned out I was alive.


Tell your sweetie not to make any plans, but to be dressed to the nines and ready to go at six PM. Take her to the car, and when she’s seated, blindfold her. Any time he asks a question, just say “Shh, darling, it’s a surprise.’ Put some Barry White on the CD player, and drive for a really, really long time, at least four hours. Refuse to answer questions or even talk.

If she eventually gets mad and takes the blindfold off. Immediately pull over and cry until she puts it back on. HINT: This can take a while. Be persistent. Finally pull in at your destination, and tell her to count to a hundred and then take off her blindfold. When she does she will discover she is in the parking lot of the Chucky Cheese nearest your house. You are nowhere to be found and you’ve got the keys and her purse. This one is guaranteed to make her think about how much she needs you.


Take her to some place fairly public. The center of a mall, or a busy theater lobby will work just fine. Shout at the top of your lungs ‘I LOVE THIS WOMAN!! I… LOVE… THIS… WOMAN!!!

She’ll be embarrassed, but no doubt she’ll also be thinking of that commercial and think that you’re about to give her some absurdly expensive piece of jewelry. So just imagine how surprised she’ll be (and remember, the ladies love surprises) when you scream ‘WHAT?!… YOU… WHAT? OH, GOD, OH MY GOD, MY BEST FRIEND?! BUT BILLY IS ONLY TWELVE! AND HE HAS RICKETS! RICKETS!! WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU?!?


Pretty much what it sounds like.


Go to her work dressed as a Cop and loudly demand to see her about unpaid parking tickets. When she comes out of her office, slam a boombox down on the table and crank up the Barry White. Start a strip tease. When she starts too feel uncomfortable or yell at you say ‘Look, lady, it ain’t my fault you’re so ashamed that you’re single and you hired your own strip-o-gram.’


A lot like the classic reach in my pocket, except this time your pocket is full of pudding.


Take her to an expensive restaurant. Make a big show of giving her flowers and a gift. Then reach across the table, take both her hands and sing ‘Having my baby.’ Sing it all the way through. She’ll turn red, tell you to stop, but keep going. I guarantee you; there will be a round of applause from the other diners for your cute, romantic stunt. Then sing it again. Then sing it again. Keep singing ‘Having my baby’ until it becomes clear you’ve gone completely insane and someone calls an ambulance.


Well, they’re fresh and they sure as hell beat windshield wiper fluid.

Concerning the Viral Migration of Unhealthy Fascinations and their Associated Behaviors

The unflinching eye of the scanning electron microscope makes brutally clear heretofore unrecognized connections, So obvious now that even the signature gray green, night vision goggle-like tint lent by the device cannot conceal the Scientific community’s unfortunate but unanimous conclusions.

The long theorized linkage of UFO cultists; Southern Fried Free Lance Preachers, their veins lit with snake venom, teased by numerous flaming infected lesions and half healed puncture wounds, confused by the heredity of an obscene and tangled family tree more resembling a family bramble patch; Ed Gein; Albert ‘The Fisherman’ Fish; The Insidious Sax Romer, drops of his sweat so acidic the keys of his Remington boil at their Touch; Self mutilating hipsters in search of an identity, offering up tatty bills earned at the Food Court or in the alley behind it for another ludicrous piercing, another ridge of scarification, dreaming of the stones to beg for back alley Ubange lip Plates or neck extending graduated copper rings; Seasons don’t fear cultural appropriation, nor do the wind, the sun, the rain and the True Alpha Male; Poorly translated black-market Asian animated pornography of an unsettlinglyclinical stripe; Magazines for rare fetishes, shrink wrapped in three packs; Mexican devil head car fresheners; Antique, crumbling contraceptives purchased in truck stop washrooms; Trailer Park Tarantula and Boa Constrictor enthusiasts, dumping their pets in the dead of night at interstate rest stops after being failed by zoos and museums and animal rescue leagues and even the courage to administer euthanasia with a hammer or a burlap sack; History Channel Addicts pleading with social services to please God,  pay this month’s cable bill, huffing a solution of hairspray and Spic n’ Span out of a surgical glove, bloodshot eyes held open by unsanitary “Clockwork Orange” cosplay accessories so as not to miss an instant of “Ancient Aliens” while blinking; Withered, decrepit, tenured, insomniac academicians, prowling basement storerooms for dimly remembered biological oddities floating in jars of yellowing formaldehyde; Comic book collectors; Third Tier Elvis impersonators; Lonely former teenagers more conversant with the works of S.E.Hinton than S.E.Hinton herself; Expertly forged Reliquary boxes; Articles hand torn from the Weekly World News, the tape that once held them to a prison cell wall a delicate ivory now; “Cape Fear”; “Cat People”; South American Wrestling Pictures; QVC; Hasam-I Sabbah; “The Necronimicon”, A leather bound copy of the Text of the New York Friar’s Club Roast of Aleister Crowley; A coffee table book on instruments of Torture; A hermetically sealed bag with a biohazard sticker and the words “Panda Intestines” penned as if by a Narcoleptic six year old on the white label strip; A loop tape constantly playing some anonymous, long dead mother prophesying eyes poked out, the ancient reel-to-reel tape deck burried under rotting drifts of the complete ‘Newark Star Ledger’ and so never to be found or silenced; Brittle 78’s of long dead blues-men singing through split lips, Bels Palsy, broken teeth, one lung whistling through multiple perforations the other full to bursting with the granulated remembrance of an apocalyptic dustbowl; The advent of Cheese in a Can; The Checkers Speech rippling ever outward into spacelike an inane message in a bottle hurled by a dying castaway toward the desperate hope of sentient life; A sealed glass tube purported to contain a sample of air from the Rosenbergh’s death chamber; Six squares of linoleum flooring taken from the Dallas Book Depository; The taxidermied remains of a Weimerauner with an unborn twin protruding from it’s sternum; Actual posters advertising Houdini and Barnum and Canned Heat; The ghost of that kid you knew in Junior High who could fold his eyelids over and they’d stay that way, who died out at the Quarry cliff diving all goofed up on Boone’s Farm, his sweaty left palm still tingling giddy with the impression of it’s first awkward expiration of another human being a scant three minutes before death, the body never found, the Gropee never precisely the same, still routinely waking from night terrors of beholding herself prematurely aged, her creeping dementia and the smell of rotting plaster at a decaying rest home in Tupper Lake New York: Albert Disalvo allowing people to believe he was the Boston Strangler; The filthy, poorly stocked, pornographic bookstore hidden far to the rear of yet another building filled with the same trinkets and chachkies as every other building at “South of the Border”, Popular Science Essays on the implications of Martian Canals; Badge sashes from long dead Boy Scouts who, despite their motto, were in the end, like all of us, not prepared;  Poorly faked Police glossies depicting a young cadet holding a quite obviously ersatz Jayne Mansfield head aloft by the bloody tresses; a complete set of Wacky Package stickers, series #2; A mildew stained H.R. Puff N’ Stuff costume used in the movie acquired in trade from the Second Unit Director in return for a handful of magic beans; a framed photo of Barnabus Collins; A Victorian Killing Jar purportedly belonging to one Alice Liddel for the purposes of Insect Collection and Identification; Various labeled glass jars containing the hair, fingernails and other less identifiable genetic samplings of Marie Laveau; twenty-three mint condition Dr. Midnight Decoder rings; A full bottle of The Moxie Nerve Food Tonic over one hundred years old; Fatman and Littleboy; A prosthetic leg with a Rorshach blot of puzzling stains…

Bits and pieces of a puzzle that when finally assembled the DNA fingerprint of a contagion from the last Millennium, still vital and deadly, highly infectious! Passed through blood, spit, mucus, touch, swimming pool water, air, clinging tenaciously to even the most carefully wrapped Halloween treats! Mutating relentlessly, evading detection, gestating for random and wholly unpredictable periods, resistant to even the most aggressive and risky chemical regimens! Exposed to intense heat or cold it becomes a spore capable of surviving indefinitely under conditions including but not limited to the depths of outer space, when inhaled it blooms once more! Soon the victim experiences an array of symptoms characterized by blinding ethnic hatreds, obsessive compulsive disorder, messianic delusions, the Game Show Network, Mayhem, Murder, Pillage and Death! Early stage sufferers, still asymptomatic, are compelled to seek each other out unknowingly, congregating at political events, accident scenes, sports riots and Star Trek Conventions! Genetic material from multiple highly individualized manifestations of ‘The Complaint’ commingle with each handshake and sneeze in an insane square dance of mutation…

At first glance a jaundiced dipsomaniac perishing behind a Seven Eleven in Klamath Falls Oregon to be a missing former Scientist Now on Wheels. A consuming fever of 128 degrees Fahrenheit makes the ‘Old Gent’ unapproachable by even the most dedicated Samaritan, but case notes engraved on the sheltering dumpster beside which he will die (using a stylus ingeniously fashioned from a broken automobile antenna) offer some faint ray of hope… until it becomes clear that in his final insanity the shockingly reduced one-time Nobel Laureate died believing himself to be Frederick Wertham.

A great shuffling of the deck long underway but only now detected proceeds. According to the unique fractal web of our neurons, we variously nail the doors shut, hide ourselves away in lead lined bunkers, Commandeer commercial airlines, assume the directorship of recently vacated religious communications networks, sell our children to the crusades or for their organs, embark on potentially dangerous liquid diets, smoke unfiltered camels through unhealed tracheotomy wounds, “surf” the “internet”, and otherwise engage in practices which mimic the disease so effectively the afflicted and the clean cannot separate themselves or even know which uniform they wear themselves, but the truth of our arrogance can no longer be avoided. That great geologic Tabloid, The Cambrian Shale, heralded the news in 18 point type on every page but its asymmetric, invertebrate readership while nodding sagely, assumed like us, they were immune.


Or do not end, rinse and repeat ad infinitum as desired, to each their most particular inclinations.

Twitter Broke Up With Me

“What are you here for? We’re all here to go. We’re all here… to GO.”

-William S. Burroughs

Willam Burroughs, widely regarded as one of the founding fathers of the beat generation and inarguably the grandson of the man who invented the adding machine, was referring to humans being destined to leave earth for space, that earth was meant to be a way station or incubator or some such. The Italics, ellipses and caps bold “GO” are added by me to give you some feel for his unique pacing, and that voice like gravel being forced through a Pastry bag lined with sandpaper. It’s exquisite. You can hear it on the album “Dead City Radio”, the track is called “William’s Welcome.” If you are so inclined, listen to it here, . Weirdly the sound doesn’t cut in until the 27 second mark, so a modicum of patience rarely found in today’s audience will be required. Or just move the cursor to 27 and click it if you’re the kind of person who can’t sit with silence for 27 fucking seconds. I assure you, I am. That kind of man. The kind of man who can sit with silence comfortably for 27 damn seconds, although as anyone in my family will tell you, I am likely to be sound asleep by the 17th second. 

If you don’t know Burroughs work, you might assume from the quote that were he still alive, he might have found at least some aspects of Elon Musk to be tolerable. While there is no sure way to truly know the hypothetical thoughts of the dead regarding the living, I’m pretty secure in saying he would not have found Musk tolerable, even a little and Space X would not have budged him. 

One thing I can say about Burroughs in general and this quote in particular, is that he was decidedly not referring to getting kicked off Twitter. Burroughs died in 1997, almost a decade before Twitter launched. Old Bill was known to dip his toe in the ocean of “Speculative Fiction” frequently, but I don’t think he foresaw the perverse, addictive allure of the stinking morass that is Social Media. I’m not a Burrough’s scholar and I welcome those who are to correct me. If he had imagined anything like our current online interpersonal milieu, he might well have thought it a fine and almost inevitable way to contract a social disease, considering his belief that  language was an alien virus, and his abiding interest in things that are seductive, addictive and potentially deadly. The OED says the earliest use of the phrase “Going viral” is around 1999 and if that doesn’t point toward a distinctly Burroughsian influence,I don’t know what does. Well, a band naming themselves “Steely Dan,” I guess. Look it up, you’ll thank me. Or you won’t, depending. If anyone in my immediate family has read this far, I’m pretty sure they will be more irritated than amused.  Points for those of you who already know. Like you’re not all going to look it up now. See how I control your thoughts? That’s what a writer does. With language.

But that quote was on my mind, just those first few words before he gets into the whole space migration aspect of it because more than 30 years ago when I first heard Burroughs say those words, they locked into receptors in my brain, fit themselves perfectly like a puzzle piece of neural bias confirmation, like the virus words and ideas are, with a very particular life-long certainty of my own; To wit, no matter what you are doing, no matter what your intent is, the point, the end result, is to stop doing it. The only reason you are anyplace is to get out of that place. To GO. When you go to the movies you already know when the movie is over you leave. You get on the Merry Go Round to get off the Merry Go Round. Even if you want to stay. It’s not a choice. It just is. Nothing continues except entropy, the only universal constant is change, beliefs I contracted from people far smarter than I am sure. And though it turned out just seconds later  that wasn’t what Burroughs meant at all, I mean, he could lean dark with the best of them, but in that moment he was as close to doing a Timothy Leary, Buckminster Fuller riff as he was ever going to get, But it was too late. Because what I took those first few words to mean rang a bell in my brain, rang it hard, and bells don’t get unwrung. Ever.

 What are you here for? We are all here… to GO.

Which is more than seven hundred words to get to the point, which is Twitter broke up with me. I could tell you it was mutual, but that’s what the dump-ee always says. Also it was months ago, back in October back when everyone thought Musk was going to be able to worm his way out of purchasing it. 

I was permanently suspended from Tiwtter, robbing me of a loud and dramatic exit that truthfully I would never have had the willpower to make anyway, and it made me very sad. And fidgety. And sort of feverish, and my skin itched and I’d look at my laptop and think “What the hell am I supposed to do with this thing now? What is this thing even for?”

I wasn’t born on Twitter, what the hell did I do with my computer BEFORE? Ok, OK, Facebook, sure, but what else? Email? EMAIL? I don’t WANT email, it seems absurd email was ever fun, that anyone was ever moved to feel anything but murderous rage when they heard their computer say “You’ve Got Mail”, I mean there’ a fucking reason your computer doesn’t audibly announce that anymore isn’t there? And YES, churlish youngsters, it did used to do that, and  there’s a fucking reason they removed that feature around the time Dinosaurs were staring at the sky thinking “You know, I’ve got a hunch that glowy-burny thing which began as a twinkly, star shaped dot but  just keeps getting bigger does not bode well for us. Ah, well. We had a great run, but like the man says (or will one day say),  we’re all here to GO!”

I understand Twitter isn’t honestly the only thing you can do on a laptop, I’m aware know you can watch TV shows and movies on it, I figured out how to make it do that at least five years ago, I’m 60, not a fucking NEW BORN. I didn’t want TV, I wanted, I WANT to deliver a stinging comeback to some blue check mark bastard’s insipid, uniformed, bilious fascist TWEET and then I want to watch the hearts and the retweets go UP, because that rings a bell of its own kind, doesn’t it? It makes me feel like I’m DOING something about the world ending (Because it IS and you KNOW why, William Burroughs already TOLD you why, even though that’s not at ALL what he MEANT!) Watching my twitter stats go up delivers a dopamine laced, serotonin hit of accomplishment without any of the tiresome effort DOING much of anything, and that? THAT RIGHT THERE is the secret of happiness, my friends. The emotional buzz of having done a great deal, without the cumbersome business of having to do much of anything at all. Bottle that and you’ll be rich. People do. 

I mean, I don’t need Twitter. I could have quit anytime, it’s just they beat me to it. And okay, yes, I might never have quit, even after Elon Musk succeeded in using his apartheid era emerald mine fortune to buy it and invited Trump back aboard. I knew Twitter was a scorpion when I fell in love with it. Everybody knows the Scorpion story, but no one ever tells you the whole truth, which is that a lot of the time we fall in love with the things we fall in love with BECAUSE they’re scorpions. Someone needs to give Rascal Flatts the news that life is not, in fact, a highway, it is a PLANK on a PIRATE SHIP! Because we are all here… to  do what now? You know. (Insert “Planck’s Constant” joke here in second draft, but spell it “Plank” and only after looking up what “Planck’s Constant” actually is) (Make sure to remove notes before pushing the “publish” button this time. Or do you in some perverse way, enjoy looking stupid? Jesus.)

It’s probably for the best Twitter dumped me. And I’m not just saying that because I don’t want to seem like I’m Jonesing, and yes, of course that’s mostly why I’m saying that, but it still might be true.

Dedicated readers of my work may note that I have not written anything longer than 280 characters in quite some time. This piece is already far longer than that, and I’ve barely gotten to the point. 

See, I kind of took a break from writing diary style (or journaling, for the love of Christ, eugh) after Trump lost because I was exhausted and I thought he was at last over,  I thought COVID was drawing to a close and I was wrong about all of it, but I didn’t KNOW that. I thought a wee hiatus was well deserved after over a year of writing thousands of words a day. But it wasn’t a hiatus. As happens to me way too frequently, I had burned out whatever connects me to writing. The tank was empty. And I hate that feeling, and I was already on Twitter a LOT, but my Tweets had generally been tied to with whatever I was writing about, I was shaping ideas for larger (equally pointless, but larger) work and when I found the tank that held the longer stuff was empty, the 280 smartass character tank runneth (ranneth?) over, without fail, effortlessly.. 

You know how the love affair ended. I told you right in the title. But the ending doesn’t mean anything until you know the beginning. We may all be here to go, but until we go, we’re here. I’m doing some pithy shit with that one little quote, right? If you’re still reading. It’s possible everyone dropped out the fifth or sixth time I Stephen Kinged that Burroughs quote. “We all float down here” “Yes, yes, Pennywise, THANK YOU, we KNOW, we got it the twentieth damn time you told us, can we just please DROWN now and escape this MISERY, PUN INTENDED, MR. MASTER OF MODERN HORROR?!”

I know exactly when I started on Twitter because I got paid to do it. Well, not entirely. The budget had no money for that, but I WAS getting paid to write satirical political analysis (Oooooh, ain’t I fine?) on the 2016 presidential election. My editor thought it might be fun for me to “Live Tweet” the conventions, a cool stunt that would support and maybe even increase readership of my column.

Now I liked the idea and I said yes right away, but you should know I needed help. I am something of a technophobe. I knew what Twitter was, but needed my daughter’s help to set up an account. The idea to “Live Tweet” was hatched only days before the Republican Convention so it was a pretty steep learning curve. I’ll tell you what though. I liked it. Immediately. A lot. It was like putting on an old, broken inglove I didn’t remember I had. 

I spent a lot of years doing comedy. Coaching stand-ups, teaching and performing improv and sketch comedy, writing and directing comedians. I did well enough that I didn’t need a day job for quite some time, but eventually I got older, I didn’t move to New York or LA, didn’t even try, honestly. I got married and had kids, which it turns out I liked even better than telling jokes, got a mortgage, which I liked a lot less. I was pretty burned out on performing and can I be honest? I was good, but not great, and I wasn’t getting better. I’d come to like writing and directing way more, and I knew I’d be letting go of the directing part but I could still write, right? And I wasn’t going to miss performing. I didn’t. I’d done all of it I wanted to do.

And then in the blink of an eye, it’s over twenty years later and I’m live tweeting the RNC and it’s the closest thing to being on a shitty little stage in a shitty little nightclub with a shitty little brick wall behind me winding up the old joke machine and cracking wise. and you know what? Turns out I missed it way more than I thought I had. 

You read something, you think of a joke in response, you craft it, you cut, and shape on the fly, squeeze it into 280 characters, (less when I started,) and you hurl it out into the void, JUST like in a club, just you get hearts instead of laughs and applause. And people start to follow you. At first it’s friends and family, just like it was when I started performing, but soon it’s strangers, and then there’s a hundred and then there’s a thousand, and sometimes, inexplicably, because it’s NEVER your best stuff, something you Tweet hits a nerve out there and a hundred people heart it, two thousand people heart it, TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE HEART YOUR STUPID FUCKING JOKE! And because the entire time I’ve worked in comedy, a skill set which DID NOT come naturally to me, a thing I worked very hard to get good at, the illusion that I am doing something AWESOME and SPECIAL and IMPORTANT is very powerful, just… like… performing. Because here’s a shocker, no one has ever developed comedy skills who wasn’t needy or frightened or both. No shame, just a simple fact as implaccable as entropy. So even though getting up on a stage at this point is way more work than I want at all… I guess I missed it more than I thought I did. 

And it was good for my BRAND, right? And I know I don’t really have a brand, the very idea is ridiculous, but that’s the thing about the internet, in a very small niche way, I do. Or I did. And with my face just a few feet away from the screen on which I can measure the evidence of my brand, it seems quite large and impressive, because I am so myopically close to it. I have been writing shit and putting it online for about 30 years. And mostly I do not get paid for it, but sometimes I do and there were even a few years where the paradigm of the internet in that moment allowed me to get paid pretty well, though that was quite some years ago now. And Twitter, see? Twitter was the shot in the arm of my Internet presence I had no idea I craved.

Listen: One time? George frikkin’ Takei hearted one of my tweets and less than a minute later he’d used the same joke as if it was his own.  Should that make me feel good? I’ll admit, I was confused that it did. But when Osamu Tezuka, creator of the the 60’s anime “Kimba the White Lion” was informed that Disney’s “The Lion King” had “borrowed” plot points and visuals without inquiry or credit, he responded that he was very flattered. I’m just like that, except way, way, more miniscule insignificant an poor. On the other hand, I had direct intellectual contact with Hikaru frikkin’ sulu, so you all can take a number and wait ‘til it’s called to suck on that. 

I got in a brief Twitter slap fight with Dean Cain, who played Superman in the lackluster “Lois and Clark” series from the early 90’s. For those of you who haven’t spent way too much time on Twitter, Cain, a professional boob, is part of that cadre of sad old stars who have discovered that being arch MAGA conservatives gives them something to do besides sit at lonely, lineless Comicon booths. He’s sort of like the Kevin Sorbo of Scott Baios. I wrote a whole essay about our Twitter battle, you can read it at if you are so inclined. 

My Tweets have been quoted in The Huffington Post, Comic Sands (George Takei’s website,  where they have been attributed, as opposed to stolen), The Washington Post and Heather Cox Richardson’s essential and sanity saving series “Letters From an American.” I got hearts, responses and sometimes DM exchanges with famous people whose works I admire. Do I understand how pathetic I am being? OF COURSE I DO, but that is beside the point, which is that I am establishing that I was not just some garden variety Twitter wank, I was a fucking CONTENT CREATOR, OK?!

Well. Not really. I was a distant outlier up in the hill country at the very edge of the continent of mattering at all, which is OK. Artistically speaking, that’s my career’s natural habitat and if I’m bitter about it, It’s also my sweet spot. I mean, honest to God, imagine how unbearable I’d be if I had gotten anywhere. Seriously. Take a moment and imagine it. 

I had about 4,300 followers at the time of my “Permanent Suspension” (and believe me, I’m going to get to that little bit of violence enacted on the English Language, just not yet.), which is very medium. It’s not a small follower count by any means, but there are plenty of folks with tens of thousands. For me, the number wasn’t the point (although I loved watching it go up, because as I may have mentioned, I’m needy) It was that I did not know the vast majority of them. I have 836 “friends” on Facebook, and I have some real world connection to almost all of them. Maybe 100 people friended me on Facebook strictly because they’d read something I wrote that they liked. On Twitter, over three thousand folks follow me because they liked something I wrote. And I know the writing they like isn’t essays or columns or scripts,  it’s just, you know… Tweets. The number of people who read an essay or article by me and said “Hey, that was awesome, I’m gonna follow that dude on Twitter!” could well be zero. But strangers liked my Tweets, and I liked that!

Was it healthy? Was Twitter doing something for me that was worth doing? Was I building something that now won’t get built? Was I ‘silenced’ because I was getting too close to ‘something’? Fucked if I know. Except for that last one about getting too close to something. That wasn’t happening. 

So okay. Let’s finally get to the meat of it. Here’s how I got “Permanently Suspended” from Twitter

“Permanently… suspended.”

Permanent… suspension is an action Twitter takes regularly if they determine a user has violated their rules. It’s a two word phrase they must employ hundreds of times today, it was crafted by people paid to establish, enforce and communicate their intentions and considering it’s just TWO WORDS LONG, you would think it wouldn’t have been too big an ask to have those two words actually mean the thing they MEAN it to MEAN, but here’s the thing, IT DOESN’T!

“Permanent” is an adjective meaning “Forever.”  “lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely.”

“Suspension” is a noun which means “the temporary prevention of something from continuing or being in force or effect.” TEMPORARY!

I have been sentenced by Twitter to a paradox wherein I am temporarily forbidden from doing something forever! A gigantic corporate juggernaut currently valued at BILLIONS OF DOLLARS which despite, or perhaps because of it’s incalculable societal power, cannot be bothered to PROOFREAD a TWO WORD SENTENCE!

That’s salt in the wound, is what that is. 

So there. The part about the language abuse is off my chest. Until the next time it isn’t. 

Okay, okay okay. Here’s what happened.

I read a Tweet from Joel Pollack. Not exactly a household name, so let me give you the skinny on that sad, nasty, absurd little piece of work: First of all, and not to body shame, Mr. Pollack’s head is frighteningly thin, and here is a picture so you don’t think I’m lying or just being mean for the sake of it, which OK, maybe I am, but just look at him.

 Like Junior Senator of Arkansas Tom Cotton, his skull is not as wide as normal human skulls should be. I’m not a Doctor, I can’t say for certain  that Joel Pollack’s skull is thin enough to impair brain function, but I will add that he is Senior Editor-at-large for Breitbart News, a condition that I think supports my supposition that there are things wrong with his brain. 

An orthodox Jew and Harvard educated smarty-pants who was born in South Africa but grew up in Skokie Illinois, a town known both for it’s large Jewish population and some very famous Neo Nazi marches and court cases, Pollack has a failed run for congress in his back pocket, after which he was hand picked to by Andrew Breitbart himself to be chief legal counsel at fascist curious, ultra right wing, race baiting media platform, Brietbart news. There he proved awful enough to outlast co-workers Steve Bannon, Milo Yiannopolous and Ben Shapiro. You can do your own armchair psychiatry, but when you’re a Jew who spent his childhood in Skokie and you work for a media platform that is beloved by Nazis… there’s some stuff going on. 

Aaaaaaany-hoo, Ol’ Joel had a bee in his bonnet over President Biden’s September first prime time speech on the continued battle for the soul of the nation. Here’s Pollack’s Tweet: “Biden’s presidency is effectively over. He may be in office, or — in deference to his military junta décor — in power, but you cannot be the president of a democracy and declare war on half the nation. He will never, never be viewed as legitimate even granting that he won 2020.”

So here’s the actual  exchange that got me “permanently suspended” (AAAGH!)  from Twitter for “Targeted harassment”: In response to Pollack’s attack on Biden,I responded:, 

“I hope everybody is screenshotting this Tweet. I love how sure you are of yourself, it puts me in mind of the Pillow Guy every time he tells us the date by which Trump will be reinstated. You guys should hang, you’re kind of the same deal.”

NOT my wittyest repartee. A very sad rejoinder to be the last thing I ever tweeted.

Apparently, suggesting people screenshot the tweet is encouraging others to harass him. I think it’s pretty clear in context that I meant people should have proof if Pollack deleted it.

In addition, I believe Twitter took me to mean when I said “you guys should hang”, that Pollack and the My Pillow Guy should hang. By the neck. Until dead. As in “Hang Mike Pence.” As opposed to hang out.With each other. Because they share a common interest, being irritating, MAGA pricks.

There’s an appeal process, and of course I appealed. I pointed out to them that I really wasn’t threatening anyone’s lives, I wasn’t trying to incite a mob to go kill anyone, I’m not a Republican, for lord’s sake. My appeal was denied without explanation, I have no way of knowing if an actual human being ever so much as saw it. And honestly, I doubt it.

And it wasn’t long after that Elon showed up at Twitter HQ carrying an actual sink so he could Tweet “Let that sink in”, which seems like an awful lot of heavy lifting just to communicate that you’re an asshole, not very bright, and you vastly overestimate both yourself and your appeal.

And pretty much instantly hate speech quadrupled, who could have guessed. And then he did the whole blue checkmark thing, instantly taking away the thrill of being noticed by, responded to, or even FOLLOWED BY someone with a blue checkmark. So I thought to myself, well, that’s that. I don’t need to feel bad now because Twitter as I knew it, flawed as it was, is over. But…

But I also thought… Elon said he was gonna be the free speech guy, right? And he let Trump back on, even though Trump fooled him by not coming. And he let, like, fistfulls of Neo-Nazi’s back on. So surely I could get back on, right?

Pffft. Maybe if I was a Neo-Nazi. And maybe not even then. Because under Elon, almost nobody works for Twitter anymore unless they’re held hostage by a work visa. So who the hell is going to look at my case and reinstate me?

So here I sit. De-platformed. Censored. Silenced for my beliefs by techno-elites. Morally inferior to Nazis. And it’s been two and a half months and I wrote some long form stuff so it’s all good. I do miss it. That’s sad and small, but I might as well be honest about it. And I think my reach has been reduced, but my “reach” wasn’t that big and the only thing about me getting promoted was Tweets. It would have been nice to choose my own exit, but I might not have. I mean, deep down, I knew when I started I was only there to go.

I understand that was never what William Burroughs was talking about. But as Twitter made clear to me by concrete example, an author’s intention is hardly the thing that matters most. It’s how what they say gets interpreted.

What Does Kevin McCarthy Want?

What Does Kevin McCarthy want?

As I write this, Kevin McCarthy is very likely going to lose the thirteenth round of voting for Speaker of the House. Described by many mainstream journalists as a “Historic humiliation” and by me as “Just darn good Television”, you have to ask yourself why is McCarthy subjecting himself to this seemingly endless, highly public humiliation? And I’m going to answer that question:

Because he wants to be Speaker of the House.

And you’re going to say “Yeah, yeah, I get that, but that’s not really what I mean and also the question isn’t that simple.”

Except it is. It is that simple. Maybe the question isn’t that simple, but the answer? Exactly that simple. Because Kevin McCarthy is that simple. Socrates is alleged to have said “The unexamined life is not worth living” and as long as we’re alleging, I’d allege he was talking about Kevin McCarthy. 

“Ok, but no, Max,” you say, “I get that becoming Speaker has been his career goal forever, but look, look at the concessions he’s been forced to make. He’s willing to give everything away, he’s locking in committee appointments that guarantee he’ll have no control at all, he’s agreed that at any time any single member of the Republican House can force an immediate vote to oust the Speaker, taking us right back to WHERE WE ARE NOW. Even if McCarthy wins, (and that is in no way a given, it is quite possible that the GOP House, like some sort of hideous, collective, evil universe Captain America “Could do this all day,” could, in fact, do this indefinitely or at least until enough Representatives Elect (Since without a Speaker they cannot be sworn in and the Speakership is the ONLY thing they are allowed to vote on) DIE OF OLD AGE and change the math), if SOMEHOW McCarthy is elected Speaker of the House, he will be THE WEAKEST Speaker in all of American history. Virtually powerless, the slave of any member of his party who feels feisty or bored or thinks it would just be fun to kick ol’ Kev in the legislative nuts since it’s clear he’s bargained away any method of retaliation! The version of the Speakership he’s agreeing to would make him LITERALLY less powerful than every other Republican representative, the only one who HAS to do what anyone else tells him or he’ll lose his job!! The instant the new congress is sworn in, GEORGE FRIKKIN’ SANTOS could immediately force McCarthy to go through this ENTIRE PROCESS AGAIN and JUST LIKE NOW there would be no sure fire way to EVER make it END!

So why, Max, why, why, WHY would Kevin McCarthy STILL want that job?!”

Simple. See, somewhere in the capitol building, there’s a line of fancy-ass oil portraits in ORNATE, MUSEUM QUALITY FRAMES, many of them GILDED, of every single person who has ever held the title “Speaker of the House” in American history. And I’m pretty sure neither the painter nor the poor bastard tasked with hanging don’t get to say “Yeah, but how long was he Speaker for? ‘Cause it’s gotta be ten minutes, minimum. No full ten, no painting on the wall, that’s the rules.”

Kevin wants what that painting will commemorate if this spectacle ever ends, a physical confirmation that he was Speaker of the House. There’s no art museum label that says how long he held the office for or how diminished that office was once he took it. Nothing advertising the caveat that he agreed the job would be nothing like it had ever been before, that he would be, in effect, the purely ceremonial equivalent of Head Congressional Rodeo Clown.

Kevin is immune to humiliation. If you have no sense of self whatsoever, you can’t be humiliated. The shameless, by definition, feel no shame. 

Look. A week after the January 6th attack on the Capitol, McCarthy, on the floor of the very House he so desperately wants to be Speaker of, McCarthy publicly stated that Donald Trump “bears responsibility” for the violence and should have denounced it immediately. He called the attempt to disrupt the certification of Joe Biden’s victory “Undemocratic, un-American and criminal.” He backed a formal congressional censure for Trump. And two weeks after that, he was at Mar-a-lago, where rumor has it Trump’s ring was the most sanitary thing of Trump’s Kevin kissed. OK, a rumor I started just now, but whatever. There’s only two possible explanations here; Either Kevin McCarthy doesn’t have whatever part of the human brain processes and decodes the experience of humiliation, or he’s really, really into it. If Matt Gaetz had said “OK, Here’s what I need from you if you want my vote, Kevy: Any time you so much as set foot in the House? You gotta be wearing one of them things,  a what’s it called? You know, it’s smooth, wider at one end than the other, not too big, but big enough for a battery so it can, whaddaya call it, vibrate? And it has to be radio controlled, OK? And every Republican Rep has a button, and they can push that button, like, any time. You know, to make it vibrate That’s what I need you to agree to.”

And sure, there would have been some back and forth, a little closed-door cloakroom negotiation where McCarthy would have insisted that he would only ever accept an agreement where at least five Reps would have to co-sponsor any button pushing, but Gaetz and Boebert  an Gosar would have been like “No, Kevin, no. Not five. Not three. Just one. Any one, at any time. And you gotta wear a tu-tu and curtsy and publicly thank whoever pushes the button in a fake French accent.” And Kevin would have held strong until he lost about three more votes and then he’d say “You know when I said ‘never’ unless it was five? What I meant was, sure, one is good, I think that sounds great.”

Because Kevin isn’t that interested in what you could accomplish as Speaker. And he knows that when future kids get paraded by the portraits, they are all gonna be thinking “When can I go home?” Not one kid is gonna think “Hey, that one, isn’t that Kevin McCarthy? The Butt Plug Speaker?” 

No one is going to care that he was Speaker in name only, or what he gave away or put up himself to get there. Only that he was one once for a while. That’s what Kevin wants.That’s all he wants. And honestly, I don’t think he’s ever thought much about why he wants it. He’s a simple guy. Very simple. Like, shallow and stupid simple. No one will remember much about his speakership beyond the current circus, and they won’t necessarily even remember he was the guy that circus happened around. Think I’m wrong? 

OK, who’s the guy in this lovely portrait? Maybe you recognize him.

That’s John “Dennis” Hastert, 51’st Speaker of the House. A Republican, he held that position from 1999 to 2007, the longest term a Republican Speaker ever had. He resigned when the Democrats took the majority, but that wasn’t the last time he was in the news. In 2015 he was indicted over lying to federal investigators about several suspicious bank withdrawals. See, he was asked under oath if the funds he’d withdrawn were used as hush money payments to conceal past sexual misconduct. I’m just gonna cut to the chase, ‘cause it’s ugly and not really my point. As a high school wrestling coach he molested students. A lot of students, for a string of years. Think Jim Jordan, but more on the participatory side of things instead of just looking the other way. He pleaded guilty to being a serial child-molester. You know, the kind of person the current version of the GOP insists every Democrat is. He got a fifteen month sentence of which he served a tad more than half. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but you might not be factoring in that he’s rich, white, Republican and the 51st Speaker of the House. Plus this was before Cancel Culture, so it’s not the kind of trivia that comes up that much when talking about historical Republican stains left on our national institutions. I mean, it all came out long after they hung his picture up, what are they going to do, take it down? Who knows, maybe they did. I don’t even know where the pictures are hung. It’s quite possible no one does. We’re a country with a short memory, and where a bunch of pictures got hung would be an easy thing to forget. Kevin knows that. Hell, he’s counting on it. But the simple heart wants what the simple heart wants and it doesn’t concern itself with complicated questions. 

There is one other thing, though. Speaker of the House is third in line for the presidency. I’m sure that fact is floating around in the back of his uncomplicated, amoral brain like a turd in a punch bowl.

According to my latest check of CNN, Kevin says he’ll be elected Speaker by the end of the night, so by the time you read this, he might be, at least until some Rep has a bad day and exercises their new found power to start this entire process all over. Giving all those creepy idiots the power to grind government to a halt any time even one of them wants to seems fairly shortsighted just so Kev can get his portrait on the wall, the kind of thing that could come back to bite the whole country in the ass over and over. It might even be bad for the Republican party, but what do I know? I mean, when Newt Ginrich shut the country down, it went pretty well for him, right? He was Speaker for a while, wasn’t he? I think? Honestly, I don’t remember.

Profiling Santa

Like many modern American Jews, I learned everything I know about Christmas straight from what seemed to be the most reliable source available, Rankin and Bass. Jesus aside (a footnote at best, having a non speaking role in only one Rankin Bass Special, a late entry at the end of the Animagic era, “The Little Drummer Boy”), Christmas revolves around worship of the life and deeds of the man/god Santa Claus.

What do we know of this “Jolly Old Elf?” Is he a reliable vessel for our Children’s faith? What are his labor practices? If he and the Christ Child had a no rules cage match with Superman and the Tooth fairy, who would win?

To examine Santa’s character, I have decided to view the Rankin bass Christmas works not in the order they were created, but in the chronological order of their story lines. For purposes of this article no reference will be made to the ‘crossover’ work of the late ‘decadent period’ (where Santa is at best peripheral) (See “Rudolphs Shiny New Year ” or the execrable “Rudolp and Frosty’s Christmas in July”) or “Frosty the Snowman:, a pale imitation of Burl Ives’ “Sam the Snowman” and an imbecilic, morbidly obese, lying bastard.

“Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town” (1970)

Here we learn the root of Santa’s multiple mental health concerns, his abandonment as an infant. Raised by a foster family of Elves, he will suffer complex questions of identity throughout his life. In this light, the compulsive rejection of the rule of law (see “Bergermeister Meisterberger”) which lands him in jail is no surprise. Rather than serve his time and allow for the possibility of rehabilitation, he instead turns to the Dark Arts (see “Winter Warlock”). A brief nod is given to Judeo-Christian Ethic when the Warlock looses his powers because he has become ‘good,’ but by the end of the hour his abilities have inexplicably returned,and indication that in Santa’s world, traditional morality is unreliable at best. Santa, having dragged a local school teacher into his delusions of grandeur (see Sissy Spacek, Badlands), convinces her he can see children at all times, and is empowered to judge them as ‘naughty’ or ‘nice’. With his common-law bride and Elf gang in tow (see Bonnie and Clyde) Santa ‘goes on the lam,’ fleeing quite literally to the ends of the earth. Only the Bergermeister’s death avoids a Waco-style siege at the North Pole. Now Santa’s cult of personality calcifies into a more mainstream (and less dangerous) religion, which is certainly nicer for the Elves and Reindeer than the vat of grape Kool-Aid Mrs. Claus was almost certainly mixing up.

“The Year Without a Santa Claus” (1974)

Santa, in the grip of psychosomatic illness, cancels Christmas. Having achieved psychological domination of the world’s children, he now abandons them, symbolically becoming his own parents on a global scale befitting his megalomania. His actions constitute a passive-aggressive punishment on all children for failure to ‘believe’ in him. Only when fealty is established (as demonstrated by the bestowing of gifts upon Santa by what appear to be the animatronic robots from the “It’s a Small World” ride) can Christmas take place. Santa’s usurpation of the holiday (the concept that he has the authority to ‘cancel’ the celebration of Christ’s Birth) is now complete. This episode’s overall darkness of tone (See The Empire Strikes Back) is mitigated slightly by the show stopping “Heat Miser/Snow Miser” show stopping numbers. Mood swings and depression not evidenced in “Comin’ to Town” are introduced, as is a tendency toward visual hallucination (See the inexplicable appearance of Charlie Chaplin in full ‘Little Tramp’ drag in Southtown USA and the bizarre Beaver-like teeth of the entire Thistlewhite clan)

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964)

Santa’s power continues its decline (as shown by his rapidly fluctuating weight, a sure indicator of Body Dysmorphia). Abandoning the mythological ideology of his youth, he becomes a primarily secular authority. Crabby, irritable, old and above all thin, he drifts easily away from the star of his own story to the role of a supporting character. His corporate management style can be seen in the brutal sweatshop mentality of the toyshop, which values only conformity and is unable to embrace the diversity embodied in Hermey (See “Herbie”, see also “Mandella Effect”, see also-also “Mandela Effect.”) His social values are reflected in the neo-Teutonic ‘Reindeer Games,’ forbidden to Rudolph (see Schindler’s List) whom Santa only accepts into the fold once a way to exploit him has been discovered (See X-men). Santa is again willing, perhaps even eager to ‘cancel’ Christmas. His excuse this time is Weather, demonstrating that either his will or his magic have become weaker than the Oath of the U.S. Postal Service. Those who see Santa’s rescue and distribution of the ‘Misfit Toys’ as a sign of ethical growth will be dismayed to learn that Rankin/Bass added this scene in 1965 after an intense write-in campaign (See The Enchanted World of Rankin/Bass, Rick Goldschmidt, Tiger Mountain Press) and even this retconning is brutally shadowed when Santa tosses the Misfit “Bird Who Cannot Fly” out of his sleigh without the umbrella all the other Misfits use as a make-shift parachute The psychological import of Santa Hot-rodding around the North Pole on an oversized Norelco electric shaver is really anybody’s guess, but was obviously disturbing enough to be cut from modern broadcasts (See author being older than most readers.)

I invite readers to draw their own conclusions, but would at least suggest they exercise caution before allowing their children onto the old man’s lap.

Six Dreams of the Antiques Road Show


I am sitting at a table showing a set of three china egg cups to Christopher Hartop. The lights are uncomfortably hot and I am sweating. I never thought while watching the show how hot the lights would be. I tug at my collar which is too tight and chafes me. He asks where I got the cups. I tell him they were the only possessions my grandfather brought over from the shtetl. How in steerage he cradled them in his arms like children to protect them. Hartop asks me if I even know what the word ‘shtetl’ means. Casting my eyes down, I tell him no and add that I’m not even certain that’s the right word. I see he does not believe my story and I realize I myself have no idea if it is family legend or if I have made it up on the spot. Hartop asks if there isn’t a fourth cup and I say no. He asks if I am sure, if perhaps at some point there might not have been a fourth and I say no, no, there were always only the three. He sighs deeply. This is a set of four, he tells me. With a fourth egg cup in similar condition the set would be worth a Quarter of a Million Dollars. As a set of three it could bring $17.95 at auction, on a good day. I am overwhelmed with shame.


I am a very old man. At my wife’s insistence and at great effort I have manhandled our chifforobe down to the truck from our third floor walk up, loaded it into our pick-up and driven it here to the civic auditorium. Something feels drastically wrong with my spine and my mouth is filled with the taste of old pennies. I scrub my dentures with my tongue, but the taste only gets worse. A vivid swirl of violet and black checkerboard swims in and out of focus before my left eye. As if from a distance, I hear Wendell Garrett, Senior VP of Americana for Sotheby’s explaining to my wife that by having the Chifforobe refinished, she has reduced its value by $20,000.00. I told her again and again not to do it. I told her refinishing cost too damn much and I wouldn’t have it. Then while I was at Kiwanis she had a man take it away to be dipped. Angels begin to sing in my left ear and I know  an act of personal violence that has been coming my entire will finally arrive any second now, but my body seems too far away to use.. Garrett is saying something I can’t make out, except for the word ‘patina’ which he seems to be saying over and over. My head is actually swelling with rage. I can feel the skin tightening. Someone I cannot see is asking me if I even know what the word “chifferobe” means. I am falling, falling into the sky..


I am trying to show Warren Christopher, Secretary of State during the Clinton Administration, an Item I have brought in a bag. In the dream I do not recognize him as Warren Christopher, he is a man from Christy’s whose specialty is Pre-Columbian artifacts. Looking into the bag he tells me no, no, there is no point taping something that will never be on the show. At a table near us three cameras are filming a man with an H.R. Puff n’ Stuff Pez dispenser. His interviewer (who I now realize was Howard Baker, Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff) is fawning all over him, almost weeping in saccharin gratitude, actually touching his face. Baker begins licking the Pez dispenser, it’s the only way he can experience something this magnificent directly enough. I beg Warren Christopher to examine my item again. Sighing, he reaches into the bag and pulls out a black and white photograph of me as a four year old going potty for the first time. I am grinning like there’s no tomorrow. Everyone laughs. The sound is overwhelming. Why did I bring this picture with me, why did I want him to see it so much? What was I thinking?


I work for an auction house called Kresky’s. I am a very junior employee and this is our company’s first time on the show. A lot is riding on my performance. Though there are thousands of people milling around the auditorium, no one comes to my table. I put my head in my hands, and when I look up, a shirtless Senior with graying chest hair and pendulous male breasts stands silently before me. He tilts his head back, displaying a massive goiter. Is this my area of expertise? I’m not sure. I don’t think I know anything at all about this sort of thing. trembling, I ask the old man does he have any idea how much this Goiter might be worth at auction. He (or his goiter, I cannot tell as it now fills my entire field of vision) that a “chifferobe” is a large chest with multiple, stacked shallow drawers, each containing a perfectly miniaturized Jewish town or village in 1905 Eastern Europe. I see it. I see it. I can hear them singing as if they do not even know there is a Cossak pogrom moving toward them from the dark recesses at the unseeable back of the drawer. But of course they know. It’s a chifferobe.


I am sitting at a table. Leigh and Leslie Keno are circling me. The only word for what they are doing is “prowling”. They say nothing, just look at me, their eyes burning, thin-lipped, inscrutable smiles on their faces. I have never felt so awkward in my entire life, as if  my skin is two sizes too small. I can’t recall what I have brought for their appraisal and am terrified it isn’t worthy of their time, but when at last I look, I see an exquisite Ivory brooch that belonged to my Great Grandmother. Leigh (or perhaps it’s Leslie) is standing behind me, his hands on my shoulders, asking how much I think it’s worth. Brazenly I tell him twenty to thirty thousand dollars, and his fingers tighten. Leslie (or perhaps it’s Leigh) takes out a car key and scratches the broche. How about now, he asks. Without transition we are shirtless, rolling around in a huge pile of LaLique baubles. It is a demonstration of how rich they are, how powerful. That they have so much fucking LaLique, that they don’t care about rolling around on it shirtless. The twins are laughing, laughing, but are they amused? I don’t know what it’s right to do or what I want.


It’s the middle of the night. I am sitting at my computer in my undershorts, looking at the Antiques Roadshow Website. I am reading an intriguing article about a chifforobe. There are multiple thumbprints of pictures that take forever to download. I want to see all the pictures with a need that is not unlike arousal. They are really great chifforobe pictures and I wish they would download faster. I’m ashamed of how much I’m liking them, the way I’m liking them. I’ll stop after one more picture I tell myself, the drawer where you think the Tailor’s wife has had a baby, but really he has purchased a sewing machine with a foot treadle. But what if the next chifforobe picture is even hotter? I hear footsteps in the hallway. It’s my wife, I have to shut this down, but the next picture is downloading and it’s going to be so good. It’s too late now, I’m going to be discovered, but the chifforobe is coming in, line by line, it’s spellbinding, not seeing it isn’t an option. I can’t stop now. I am physically unable to stop.

Book Briefs

A Delicate Tautology – By Heinz Feisen

(Hyperion; $24.95)

Puckish yet tightly constructed, Feisen’s long awaited debut novel fulfills the promise of his spare, Zen-like contributions to The Reader’s Digest “Humor in a Uniform” column. Unintentionally freed by a providential series of typos, psychiatric in-Patient August Mole haunts fin de cycle Vienna in the mistaken belief he is a Private Detective. “The Case of the Mysterious Client”, as Mole describes his new life, develops in fits and starts, like an old Disney Nature Short featuring strange plants growing, blooming and inevitably dying in time lapse that you rented along with with Shrek, children’s titles being two-for-one, and it’s dusty box calling to you from the stacks in the voice of the child you once were, although in retrospect it seems more likely to have been an actual child hailing a peer who shares with you nothing more than your name, since though you keep trying to watch the damn thing, you inexplicably find yourself in a Kitchen, a bathroom, an attic dormer overlooking the window of a neighbor who can’t be bothered to buy drapes. Feisen’s fondness for graphic perversion offers welcome counterpoint to exhaustive esoterica on such subjects as Victorian Pipe-fitting and the forensic uses of petrified sidewalk gum.

Cha-Cha-Cha! – By Peyson Hillendale

(Viking, $29.99)

Hillendale’s twenty-seventh novel gives lie to the notion that really thick books put off idiots. Narrated yet again by Harold ‘Chesty’ Mullcaster, if you tear out the seven hundred odd pages of ‘period detail’ that legions of addled, blue haired “Chesty-ites” could easily quote from the twenty-six previous books, you’ll find your beach bag less cumbersome and the heretofore unnoticed puckish yet homoerotic menace of Mullcaster’s chauffeur Clyde will shine that much more brightly.

A Blackmailed Neighbor – By Garrick Allen West

(Bee-Line, make me an offer)

I found this while organizing my late Uncle’s estate sale. While somewhat dated and presumably mildew stained, this second paperback printing, originally titled “The Widow Was Ready!” remains a puckish comedy of manners and surprisingly hot.

Meat Grinder, collected poems 1972-2000 – By Hermione Schist-Phistical

(Random House, You need to know the price, what are you, the Library of friggin’ Congress?)

I hate Poetry. Puckish.

What’s that? Talk Louder, I Gots a Banana in my Ear: A Memoir – By Mullen ‘Coodles’ Messerson

(Puckish, $49.72)

The historical memoir genre, already on it’s way down the stairs, gets a trip wire and a shove from surprisingly breathing off ventilator Vaudevillian ‘Coodles Messeron,’ whom historians of the theater often overlook because he wasn’t funny and his dancing so closely resembled medical distress that Doctors were known to leap on stage during the performance. Ironically, though he now requires two canes to walk, his writing is awful.

Giambattista Bodonoi: A Man and his Typeface – By Giuseppi Tulle-Fondler

(Princeton University Press, Gum)

A fine follow up to last year’s “The Stamp Hinge; A philatelist’s History”, this puckishly slim volume should prove of great interest to those with an obsessive fixation on fonts, but it doesn’t.

John Adams: Skank – By Hugh JaSchvance

(Simon & Shyster, $35.00)

Is it time for a new Adam’s biography? Not this one, as the author seems to be thinking of someone else. Puckishly inaccurate descriptions of our Second President as a “Towering dipsomaniacal Transvestite given to sudden fits of weeping, overly fond of the eye poke and kidney punch” combine with unlikely anecdotes (During a State dinner the President sneaks off to give Barbara Streisand a swirly) sourced by ‘some very close friends’, making this a book that could have been much better had the author only died before writing it.

Jurassic Park VIII; Jurassic Universe, the Jusassicing – By Max Burbank

(Dreamworks First-Draft Press, $6.95)

Insouciant, effervescent, spangly, extra Puckish with a Woody yet Sepia Toned afterbite, incandescent to the point of needing really dark glasses, this rarest of rare rarities, a novelization better than the book upon which a franchise was based, sings like a Musical Saw played with Ozarkian mastery by an terrifyingly inbred idiot-savant of the Musical Saw. This is the sort of young author (and sixty is indeed young when compared with say ninety-eight or perhaps a Hundred-and-Three) who might well quit his day job were he published more, and buying multiple copies of his book could go a long way towards achieving that laudable goal.



I don’t really have them. By appointment? I guess? Just come by and knock. If I’m dressed I’ll probably let you in.


Some wiseacre inevitably makes a joke of asking if this is where the mud collection is and I tell them they’re the two- hundred-fifty-sixth person to make that joke, the repetition of which is what is collected in this room. The coffee can is for donations, which I accept, for maintenance and growth of the collections. It is a “Chock Full of Nuts” can, which is the brand my Mom drinks. She says it was once a chain restaurant, known for it’s coffee. OK, I guess. What I like is the black and yellow checkerboard band which I don’t know if they even have on the can anymore. If they don’t, what’s the point? I also like that coffee doesn’t have any nuts in it.


The Kitchen houses the collection of Posters, buttons, bumper stickers, mugs and really just about any item that has a saying on it. On the west wall are multiple variations of cats or kittens hanging on to branches with the caption “Hang in there, baby!” and in some cases the longer “Hang in there, Baby! Friday’s comin’!” The origin of this phrase is ‘shrouded in mystery’, but I bet someone wishes they’d understood more about ‘copyright laws’. Refrigerator magnets are not for sale, though we consider trade for “Same Shit, Different Day” magnets. The Bumper stickers along the ceiling molding and baseboards are mostly associated with Alcoholics Anonymous, although this was primarily accidental. The scraped area over the doorway to the dining room was previously occupied by “Ass, Gas or Grass; No One Rides for Free” circa 1972, which my Mom didn’t think was nice.


Here we have Pez dispensers and Soda Cans so Rusted You Can’t Tell What Soda They Had in Them. The second collection was started because Pez dispensers are not that unusual a thing to collect. On an interesting side note, Pez taste like crap.


This is the collection of the kind of stuff my parents have in their living room. It’s curated by them because Christ knows I wouldn’t have any of this junk. The style of the furniture is called “Colonial” for no known reason.


The Hallway houses our media center and my cassette collection of my Dad’s sayings of despair. Put on the headphones and enjoy “No one cleans the catbox but me” or “Anyone could have seen this coming”. For an additional twenty-five cents beyond your donation, adults can go in the coat closet and listen to a tape from last Easter where, during a cookout, dad hides out in the garage and drink a beer by himself and cries.


The Spackle under the window is where when I was fifteen my Dad put his fist through the wall and broke two of his knuckles and is also the exact point in space/time where his spirit was broken. A portion of your donations will go to a brass plaque and an eventual restoration of the actual hole.


You are not allowed in there because it’s private.


One of these days Dave will actually visit for Christmas or Thanksgiving at which point he’ll discover that his room now houses my magazines including the complete run of ‘Busty’ in near mint to mint condition,  of which ‘’ said “Is ‘impressive’ really the right word?”. Formerly a Shrine to my Bother Dave, since his marriage, my Mom says it’s a fitting place for “a mountain of mildew and smut.”


Visitors are encouraged to take a flashlight from the cardboard box and make a guess as to the crushed dreams represented by this collection of things we could neither bear to look at nor throw away. What does this Johnny Walker bottle with the melted candle in it mean? Who is the pregnant young woman in that photo? No one I’ve ever met. An added bonus is the Collection of Things I pounded Flat With a Hammer and Laminated, which can be found under the East Dormer until such a time as my parents die.


Before you leave, please visit our giftshop, where you can buy “Hang in there baby” post cards and T-shirts, a Rusted Soda can that at first I couldn’t tell what Soda it had in it but then figured it out, an Item Pounded Flat With a Hammer and Laminated or a cup of fresh brewed Chock Full of Nuts coffee. The Museum of My Collections is open Year round except for Christmas, Thanksgiving and my birthday, which is June Fifteenth in case you want to know.